Welcome Parents and Students

Tuition $10 per 45 minute to 1 hr semi private lesson
I teach out of the piano adventure books, I have students memorize notes by practicing on an ipod and taking note tests that I made myself, I teach students how to ready music, learn scales and chords, music theory and how to play popular music using chords. Because my lessons are 45 minutes to 1 hour long students will have the opportunity to practice before they leave lessons. I teach out of my home near Northside School in Fallon NV. Payment is due at the beginning of the month or new session.

Fall Session
Winter Spring Session
Summer Session

I am holding a spot for your child each week and therefore will need to charge for the lesson even if your child does not come. However I do make up lessons. I am available by appointment most Saturdays and evenings.

I have noticed that weekly lessons for piano students (especially newer ones) have the best results. Skipping lessons may seem cheaper but when I don't see a student regularly I usually end up teaching a review lesson or teaching the same songs that I did in the previous lesson because they have forgotten and have not practiced. Therefore it isn't cheaper to skip lessons because your students most likely will not be progressing well.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Parent Information

I want to thank everyone for their hard work this last winter and summer session.  The students have really come a long way in sight reading music. It required hard work and practice, and not always fun. I really appreciate all the note practice.

I am really excited about the summer. We are starting 45 minute lessons and I hope putting on a little concert with some chord songs. I did get another piano so we will more practicing opportunities at piano lessons. I am asking that the students enter through my side gate and the back door of my house if it is good weather. This will keep the peace better for my children and their nanny. I still have summer openings so let me know if you don't already have a time. Check out my blog for available times. I will start advertising for openings to the public soon. http://michellespianolessons.blogspot.com

If your child is not coming for  summer lessons  : ( please make sure they learn 1 new song per week. They are more than welcome to email me questions about a song. Have them practice their notes on an ipod or check out this great website. www.musictheory.net/exercises

If your child goes to public school I will start their summer lesson time starting the week of June 10th. If you child is homeschooled or goes to Oasis Academy Charter school they can start their summer lessons next week. I will not be teaching Memorial Day. 

New invoicing will be coming in June. I will have your monthly totals or summer amounts available soon. Let me know of summer vacations that you have planned and i will not charge you for those weeks that you will be gone. I do charge for last minute cancellations however, but I will also try to do a make up lesson if you call or text me.

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